Monday, August 3, 2009

August Update

I hope you summer has been full of good times spent with special people and lots of laughter. We’ve enjoyed this fun, lazy season, and now we’re looking forward to some end-of-summer activities and great promotions.

Are you on Facebook? We are. We’re offering you a great deal on inexpensive images to use online in your social networking. Get some friends together and join the party at Hilyard Photography for our Monthly Facebook Party. The fun happens the third Friday evening of every month.

For only $25, you’ll get an image you’d be proud to share on the WWW. Bring a friend or two, and you’ll each get an image for $12.50. The portrait session will last 10 minutes, and you’ll have a choice of backgrounds to create a casual, personality-driven image.

Come and enjoy a welcome break from your hectic week. We’ll treat you to a cold beverage and a tasty treat while you take a moment to relax, be pampered, enjoy great company, and get a great online image.

Call the studio at 614-633-0820 to make an appointment for our next Facebook Party. You’ll be glad you did.

Mark your calendar to attend our Lengths of Love Charity Party on September 12th. The party will be held at Hilyard Photography 8297 Mira St. Columbus OH 43240.

Everyone who donates their hair and $10 worth of school supplies will receive two free
portraits from Hilyard Photography.
The Lengths of Love Charity Party benefits the Locks of Love Foundation.

Help us meet our goal of donating 100 feet of hair to Locks of Love. Your hair can make an incredible difference for a child suffering hair loss, and the school supplies are a welcome necessity for local children.

Please call 614-633-0820 to schedule your appointment. A $10 tip for your stylist is
recommended. Portraits will be delivered in a folio.

This holiday season when your hearth is warmed with the laughter of loved ones, consider giving yourself the gift of an updated family portrait to capture precious memories.

Our Home for the Holidays portrait session is an opportunity to capture precious memories that will warm your heart forever.

Call 614-633-0820 now to schedule your appointment.
*Specific dates are scheduled for home location sessions, and availability is limited. Call now to claim your appointment. Studio sessions are available daily.
Speaking of the holidays, did you know that this year you get 25 free portrait-holiday cards from Hilyard Photography?

Order your cards early, get a great discount, avoid some holiday stress, and save $$$.

Get a jump on the holiday chaos this year, and order your holiday cards early. Beginning August 30th, schedule a portrait session and receive 25 free portrait-holiday cards. Regular price for this session and card offer is $150, but until October 15th, pay only $99. Ordering a portrait package as well? Receive an additional 20% off your order! If you already had your 2009 portrait session, order your cards by October 15th , 2009 and receive 20% off your holiday card order.

You’ll love the three new 2009 holiday card designs we’ve created. All are formatted for
Whitehouse Custom Color templates and are printed under the greatest care.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July Update

Are you enjoying your summer? We sure are, but it’s not slow and lazy, we’re as busy as ever.

We want to let you know about an exciting new promotion we’re staging this fall. It’s our Santa Charity Event. We supply you with gorgeous holiday portraits and you help us raise funds for charity.

Portrait packages for Santa Charity are sold at a special discounted price, and all packages include one 8x10, one 5x7 and four wallets. The first package is $100, if you purchase a second its $75, and a third will be $25. Thirty dollars from each first package purchased goes directly to Children’s Hospital.

The beautiful sets that will be created for the Santa Charity are Country Christmas, Formal Christmas, and Winter Wonderland.

Our Santa Charity Event is scheduled for November 7th and 14th. We anticipate this will be a very popular promotion, and we’re giving you the opportunity to schedule your appointment now while there’s still time available on our schedule.

We’re hosting a party! A Facebook party!

More and more we’re connecting through social media, so why not look your best to all your old and new online friends? Get some friends together and join the fun at Hilyard Photography for our Monthly Facebook Fête. Last Friday evening of the month, Hilyard Photography hosts a Facebook Fête. Come and enjoy a welcome break from your hectic month. We’ll treat you to a cold beverage and a tasty treat while you take a moment to relax and be pampered.

For only $25, you’ll get an image you’d be proud to share on the World Wide Web. Bring a friend or two and you’ll each get an image for $12.50. The portrait session will last 10 minutes, and you’ll have a choice of backgrounds to create a casual, personality-driven image.

A few days after your portrait’s taken, the image will be uploaded to the Hilyard Photography album, and we’ll email you a link so you can tag yourself and drag the image to your desktop to use on your social networking or e-dating sites.

We want you to be the first to know about our 48-Hour-the-more-you-spend-the-more-you-save sale!
Purchase a $75 certificate on July 10th and July 24th, and receive an additional $25.

The more certificates you buy, the more money you save on everything from portrait sessions, prints, albums, frames, and accessories.
There is no limit to how many certificates you may purchase, but the certificates must be purchased July 10th and 24th .

Does your high school son or daughter participate in the school musical? If so, we want you to know about how we partner with local schools to support the arts.

We’re excited to tell you that we initiated a program to highlight the accomplishments of local drama students. In addition to creating several community posters, we take headshots of the kids involved in the production. Your school may use those images, free of charge, in their program guide.

If you’re curious about what’s in it for us, other than the satisfaction of supporting and encouraging young talent, running programs like this creates awareness of our studio, and honestly, we hope many of those kids and their families will think of us when they have their senior portraits taken or when they need to update their family portrait.

So please pass on word of this partnership to your local high school drama department. We would love to highlight the young talent in our community.

Monday, June 1, 2009

June's Update

Ahh, summertime!
I hope you’re enjoying the season and are having fun making wonderful family memories.
Have you heard about our Limited Edition Children’s Formals? This location session captures beautiful images of your children dressed in formal attire at a beautiful, formal park with lovely gardens and striking architectural elements.
Tuxes and girl’s formal dresses up to size 12 are provided this classic portrait. Some props used are a flowers and hats. Our special Limited Edition pricing will be in effect, and availability is limited. Call 614-633-0820 now to schedule your appointment.
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Our popular School Portrait promotion is the answer to those yearly institutional photos with out-of-place hairs and silly grins.
These beautiful, traditional school headshots are offered at fantastic pricing—packages start at only $50. During our quick, caring session, we will capture their child’s true expressions, while paying attention to the details.
As always, you get a choice of backgrounds and poses. Our popular School Portrait promotion is scheduled for September. Call today to reserve your session for children who are enrolled in preschool through age 16.
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Save the date. Our Annual Halloween Charity Bash and Open House is going to be a blast!
October 24th from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m.
We promise you a frightfully good time! Our Halloween Charity Bash benefits Children’s Hospital and the WARM Food Bank. Canned goods (or a $5 donation) are collected in exchange for a 4x5 portrait of your little “trick or treater.” Dress up the kids and bring them over to have their portrait taken on the porch of our haunted house. Limit one free 4x5 per family. Feel free to bring your own camera and snap away! *No donations in glass jars, please.
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Imagine the beautiful colors of autumn as a backdrop to your next family portrait. Consider a fall family portrait created in the beauty of nature this year. Don’t wait to schedule your appointment. If you miss out, it will be another year until the gorgeous autumn colors are blazing again. The window of opportunity when the colors are at their peak is short.
Call 614-633-0820 now to schedule your appointment.
*Due to the popularity of autumn portraits, availability is extremely limited. Call now to claim your appointment.
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We live in one of the most picturesque areas of the country, and we love to take advantage of the beautiful landscapes for outdoor portraits.
We have scouted the best locations to suit every style and need of our clients. Are you considering updating your family portrait? Check out the great locations we visit, and give us a call.
Don’t hesitate to schedule your appointment for a time that’s convenient for your family. We schedule our park portrait sessions months in advance and are at each location for a limited time only.

Monday, May 4, 2009

May's Update

Hello friends,

Aren’t you just loving the glorious blossoms that May brings? The air is fresher, and the sun’s caress is warm and welcoming. We’re happy to be going outside to photograph our sessions in the beautiful countryside.

Our Limited Edition portrait sessions celebrate many of the innocence of childhood and the fun of make-believe. If you’re interested in creating unique portraits of your children, this summer we’ll be conducting some wonderful outdoor sessions that you’ll love. What’s even better is that our Limited Edition pricing is in effect for all these great sessions. Don’t wait too long to schedule an appointment, though. Theses sessions book quickly.

Our Cowboy Spirit Limited Edition session creates a classic portrait of your little one in a barn setting. This charming session is conducted at a local barn for authenticity. Cowboy and cowgirls attire (including boots) makes this a classic portrait. Some props used are a saddle, lasso rope, and cowboy hats.

The Fall Leaves Limited Edition session makes the most of summer and autumn colors and creates a unique, classic portrait of your little one. Wagons and wheelbarrows, baskets of apples, and denim overalls helps to compose a natural look reminiscent of those innocent childhood moments that are too fleeting.

Ahh, summertime. Baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie are among the most loved icons of American culture. The sand lot, where generations of American kids have whiled away the days of summer, has become a symbol of innocence and summer fun. With our Limited Edition Field of Dreams portrait session you can create a nostalgic portrait of your children that will become a family heirloom. Vintage-style uniforms and an American flag give these portraits a nostalgic flavor.

Our Football Limited Edition session lets your children get down and dirty playing football. 1900s-style football sweaters and antique equipment make this an opportunity you won’t want to “pass.”

Does your child have a birthday coming up? It’s our pleasure to commemorate your loved one’s special day with a great offer from our studios. We love to give our young clients a complimentary Associate birthday session and eight wallet portraits.
One of the reasons we maintain a database is to be able to celebrate your child’s birthday.
Do we have all your family’s information? If not, give us a call at 614-633-0820, and fill in the details.

Enjoy the spring weather, celebrate family and friends, and commemorate good times with portraiture you will cherish forever.

Rick Hilyard
Hilyard Photography

Sunday, April 19, 2009

While spring has welcomed us with the promise of a colorful and fragrant season, we’ve
been busy at the studio, sprucing up for a season of portraits and creating beautiful sets for
children and adults.

Soon we’ll be photographing one of our Limited Edition sessions, Renaissance. Our
Renaissance set is a child’s fantasy come true with romantic castle walls and realistic
wardrobe. This charming indoor set transports young princes and princesses to a magical
Renaissance kingdom where castle walls provide an enchanted paradise to play. Royal
wardrobe is provided. Recommended ages 7 months to 7 years for this indoor location

Ask about our Limited Edition pricing. Availability is limited. Call 614-633-0820 now to schedule
your appointment.

Before you know it, summertime will be here and we’ll be enjoying picnics in the park and fun
days at the pool. Oh, the memories that summers create. Some of the greatest pleasures of
our youthful summers are days spent poolside, swimming, and playing in the water.

I’ve created a new Limited Edition portrait session to celebrate summer fun. Underwater
Portraits is the perfect portrait session for kids who love to swim, splash, and have fun. Don’t
miss the opportunity to capture the essence of the fun days of summer with this pool portrait
session. Slather on the sunscreen and come to the pool location to create a fun portrait. Water
Babies is also a Limited Edition session and that pricing will be in effect. Call for details.

I’m proud to tell you about my involvement in the first National Charity Model Search
competition to select “America’s Cutest Kid” and to raise funds for charity.
Nationwide, 2,000 portraits of children 18 months to 14 years old were entered into the
competition, and nearly $112,000 was raised for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (
NILMDTS is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization committed to assisting parents and families
going through the difficult time when they experience an early infant loss. NILMDTS connects
families with photographers and provides them with a DVD and a reproducible CD of the
images of their baby at no cost to the family.

Votes were tallied online, and anyone could vote. Each vote was $1, with all proceeds going to

Photography and industry experts determined the contest’s national winner from the 50
finalists, and the grand prize winner was announced May 1st. The national winner received
many prizes, including a $5,000 US Savings Bond and a Canon PowerShot G10 digital

The response for this competition was wonderful, and the best part was the money raised for
NILMDTS. All in all, the competition was fun for my clients, and it was heartening to be a part
of an event to help fund a worthy charity.

Be sure to join me next year when I participate once again in the National Charity Model

Ladies, have you ever considered creating intimate portraits? We offer clients the opportunity
to have intimate portraits created in the comfort of a familiar studio. Sexy is a state of mind,
slip out of your clothes and into your attitude. You’ll be glad you did. After all, you’ll never be
as beautiful as you are today! We’ll respect your privacy and your comfort level.

Intimate Collections are classic, beautiful, and sensual. Indulge in the opportunity to create a
personal work of art in a fun, comfortable environment. Enjoy a private session or bring some
girlfriends along for an Intimate Collections Party session. You bring the wine, we’ll supply the
hors d’oeuvres.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Hilyard Photography has just joined as a volunteer to something close to the owners heart. Here is a little about Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Foundation.

regnancy and birth are miraculous journeys. This amazing time of life is full of mystery, anticipation, joy, hope, and wonder. Feeling the powerful energy of birth and new life, watching as a new family is born unto each other. These things humble and amaze. These are the things that we celebrate when a baby is born.

But there is another aspect of pregnancy and birth. There is an unexpected place in this journey where some families may find themselves. When a baby dies, a world is turned upside down. There is confusion, sadness, fear, and uncertainty that cannot be explained. There is sorrow where there should have been joy. During this time, it might be impossible for families to know what they might need in order to heal in the future.

This is the place where the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation gently provides a helping hand and a healing heart. For families overcome by grief and pain, the idea of photographing their baby may not immediately occur to them. Offering gentle and beautiful photography services in a compassionate and sensitive manner is the heart of this organization. The soft, gentle heirloom photographs of these beautiful babies are an important part of the healing process. They allow families to honor and cherish their babies, and share the spirits of their lives.

The Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation (NILMDTS) administers a network of almost 6,000 volunteer photographers in the United States and twenty-five international countries. At a family's request, a NILMDTS Affiliated Photographer will come to your hospital or hospice location and conduct a sensitive and private portrait session. The portraits are then professionally retouched and presented to the families on an archival DVD or CD that can be used to print portraits of their cherished baby.

Our entire network of affiliated photographers graciously donate their time and talents to our families and we are proud to be able to offer our services at no cost.Your Donations are greatly needed and greatly appreciated.

Please visit

Thank You

Hilyard Photography

Monday, January 12, 2009